安装3.0版本:pip3 install git+
# 主要命令:httprunner
(env) bash-5.0$ httprunner -h
usage: httprunner [-h] [-V] {run,startproject,har2case,make} ...
One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
positional arguments:
sub-command help
run Make HttpRunner testcases and run with pytest.
startproject Create a new project with template structure.
har2case Convert HAR(HTTP Archive) to YAML/JSON testcases for HttpRunner.
make Convert YAML/JSON testcases to pytest cases.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show version
# 创建项目
(env) bash-5.0$ httprunner startproject infoq
2021-12-01 15:44:36.984 | INFO | httprunner.scaffold:create_scaffold:43 - Create new project: infoq
Project Root Dir: /Users/7c/zuoright/demo-httprunner/infoq
created folder: infoq
created folder: infoq/har
created folder: infoq/testcases
created folder: infoq/reports
created file: infoq/testcases/demo_testcase_request.yml
created file: infoq/testcases/demo_testcase_ref.yml
created file: infoq/
created file: infoq/.env
created file: infoq/.gitignore
$ tree infoq -a
2021-12-01 15:44:36.993 | WARNING | httprunner.scaffold:show_tree:29 - tree command not exists, ignore.
Sentry is attempting to send 0 pending error messages
Waiting up to 2 seconds
Press Ctrl-C to quit
$ tree demo -a
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── har
├── reports
└── testcases
├── demo_testcase_ref.yml
└── demo_testcase_request.yml
执行用例:hrun infoq
hrun = make + pytest, 是httprunner run的缩写,封装了pytest,所以支持pytest的功能参数,执行非pytest格式的用例会自动先make为pytest格式
$ tree httprunner_demo -a
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── data
│ ├── account.csv
│ └── vip.csv
├── har
├── logs
│ └──
├── reports
│ ├── assets
│ │ └── style.css
│ └── demo.html
├── testcases
│ ├──
│ ├── demo_testcase_request.yml
│ ├──
└── testsuites
└── suite.yml
HttpRunner v3.x 支持3种用例格式:pytest、YAML和JSON
关于为什么从HttpRunner v3.x开始,作者比较建议python脚本编写用例。主要是编写Python可以复用IDE的能力,包括语法提示、自动补全,这些都会是Yaml/Json比较欠缺的。
(env) bash-5.0$ har2case -h
usage: har2case har2case [-h] [-2y] [-2j] [--filter FILTER] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [har_source_file]
positional arguments:
har_source_file Specify HAR source file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-2y, --to-yml, --to-yaml
Convert to YAML format, if not specified, convert to pytest format by default.
-2j, --to-json Convert to JSON format, if not specified, convert to pytest format by default.
--filter FILTER Specify filter keyword, only url include filter string will be converted.
--exclude EXCLUDE Specify exclude keyword, url that includes exclude string will be ignored, multiple keywords can be joined with '|'